What Truckies Wish You Knew

Truckers from across New Zealand share their safety tips. #TipsFromSafeDrivers

During heavy travel times (rush hour, cities with heavy exchanges, or highly populated areas) reduce your speed 3-5 mph below posted limit and maintain a good following distance. Look ahead as far as possible. This will reduce the stress of driving during these times. Try It. Drive Safe.


Scott Ball

Never pull away from the dock until you make sure that the dock workers are finished and free of your trailer.

Jeffrey McWilliams

To stop drag racing. Meaning when another trucks are passing let them. Riding side by side is dangerous for other drivers, by taking 5 kids to pass is crazy, especially going up hill. Trucks today are sleep regulated which creates a problem with in traffic cars that are doing 80 plus when trucks can do 65 or 70 is dangerous. Lack of respect for others is a problem, lack of communication is a problem. Drivers don’t talk to each other as we use to, that’s a problem. The point of c.b. radios is to let others know of traffic conditions, weather, loads that shift, or come loose, problems with the equipment and so forth.


Clean your reflection tape for clear visibility! If you can’t see them, they can’t either!

John Lindsay

Stay focused on safety and avoid distractions! Drivers should avoid distractions such as texting or operating any electronic devices while driving. Drivers sometimes become over-confident and begin to lose focus. They often will eat, drink, read (I have seen drivers reading books), adjust the radio or GPS, play “air instruments”, and day dream to pass the time. It is important to always remain focused on safely operating your rig, eliminating all distractions especially at night and in adverse weather and road conditions for your safety and those around you!

Xavier Robinson

Stay out of big trucks blind spots. Before passing a big rig make eye contact with the driver in their mirrors. If you can’t see them then they cannot see you.


Rhonda Luce

When passing another vehicle do not move over until you can see BOTH headlights in your BIG mirror.

Bonnie Pearson

Following distance is everything. Don’t take someone’s suggestion that you shouldn’t follow close behind another driver as an attack on your skills. You don’t know what the vehicle in front will do. Seriously, we’ve all seen all the crazy drivers out there. Being close means there’s no chance to stop or get out of the way. Besides, why would you want to be that close to those crazy people?


I have been driving trucks now for 20 years and learned a lot on our highways…

First and foremost is always do a thorough PRE-TRIP INSPECTION… I’ve seen drivers wake up at truck stop and not even check there tyres..IF YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE PLEASE BE AWARE THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF OTHERS OUT HERE WITH FAMILIES THAT LOVE US THE SAME AS YOU. And make sure the load is secure for those who drive flatbeds. Always check your mirrors for loose straps dangling in the wind or a loose trap. Also every time we stop we should check our straps and tyres…

Always when driving be aware of your surroundings at all times not just what’s in front of you but I always look as far ahead as I can see and just try and be aware of what’s going on up ahead as well as behind. I am constantly looking in my mirrors watching my trailer..I always say i’m not only operating a tractor but the trailer is more important. If we get distracted for a second while entering a bend on a highway the trailer may swing across the lane.

Robert Graf

When driving on the highway in a car or pick-up, slow down or change lanes away from a disabled big truck. If you see a big truck on side of the highway, they will have their reflectors out to warn you they are broke down. Save a life! Slow down if you can’t change lanes. Be aware of trucks on side of the highway.

Donna Stewart